They Saved The Best For Last |
02. While John is rolling down the hill seemingly endlessly (and, as has been noted, occasionally throwing himself farther down the hill), his shoes fly off, first one and then the other. When he gets up at the bottom, his shoes are on again. I believe they disappear again when he starts to run off, and he's barefoot when he crashes into the outside world.
03. When John is hit by the bus and thrown out of Freddy's world and back into our world you see him hit his head on a rock, the rock is sharp and rough looking. It cuts away then comes back. Now the rock looks more rounded and smooth, it's definitely a different rock.
04. When Freddy's daughter is having a dream of when she was a little girl and in the scene Freddy's hands come toward her and we see a ring on his finger. Later on, when she is having the same dream and it happens again, we don't see the ring on his finger for some odd reason.
05. In one scene a van slide sideways to a halt. On the ground you can see several black marks in the same pattern as the slide where the shot was filmed several times.
06. During the scene in the van where Maggie discovers that the kids have stowed away in the van, everytime there is a cut from Maggie to the kids, Tracy is in a completely different position.
07. If you see when Freddy is playing the video game with his feet up, his feet are on the left side of the screen when the camera is from his point of view, and when the camera is showing his face.
08. When Freddy is fighting Doc you can see a camera man outside the window.
09. When Freddy is a kid and he smashes the gerbil with that hammer you can see the Freddy put the gerbil in his left hand and snuck it under the table. |