Freddy Delivers |
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
Screenplay By: FADE IN: INT. ALICE'S - NIGHT - EXTREMELY CLOSE ON a moving wall of muscled skin, tinged
blue by moonlight. TIGHT SHOTS ON A delicate hand caressing a muscled bishop. A woman's leg entwined around a man's. A cascade of red hair falling across an unshaven cheek. Two faces pressed tightly together in a kiss. The faces belong to ALICE and DAN, and
as their moans build ALICE'S HANDS gently rove Dan's back, tenderly
caressing the scratches CLOSE ON ALICE her relaxed, happy face gazes up from
the pillow. She turns Dan sleepily smiles back, then gently
reaches out to caress ALICE Dan nods and closes his eyes, still
smiling. Alice climbs INT. ALICE'S BATHROOM - NIGHT - ON SHOWER DRAIN Water pours down into the drain from
the shower. TIGHT on IN THE SHOWER The hot water streams down onto
Alice's face. She scrubs THE DRAIN gives an odd gurgle, like something
had backed up the ALICE glances down. Nothing. Turns back the
jets of water. The THE DRAIN the gurgles again. The water starts to
back up, rising ALICE'S POV She notices. Leans down, perturbed, as
the water reaches her ALICE ALICE stands back up now, a little
apprehensive. As the water She tries to open the shower door. IT
WON'T BUDGE! She's THE SHOWER Completely full. Alice stands inside,
completely under INT. CORRIDOR OF DOORS - NIGHT the door opens. But it is no longer
Alice's glass shower Alice looks around. She is in a dark
empty corridor. Two Alice tries to peer beyond it.
Darkness. Slowly, she gets ANOTHER DOOR further on, opens, beckoning her
forward. And another door INT. ASYLUM - TIGHT ON ALICE as she steps through the last door.
Shadows and light play PULL BACK slowly down the length of this
nightmarish room. Fingers of CAMERA CONTINUES BACK revealing beds and mattresses crowded
along the walls. Old. CAMERA CRANES UP, CONTINUING BACK revealing a staircase that leads to a
huge IRON DOOR. Two ORDERLY #1 ORDERLY #2 ALICE looks down at herself. Now she is
dressed in an old Alice barely has time to react when
she hears the first ORDERLY #1 We hear the SOUND of RUSTY HINGES as
the heavy door starts to ALICE ON THE DOOR As it slams closed with a resounding
CLANG. We hear the ALICE whirls around. WHIP PAN with her as
she discovers that the She turns back to the room,
frightened. Starts moving for Alice stops. There is no way past them
to the door. She ALICE'S POV Freddy's hundred fathers. A drooling,
macabre parade of ALICE watches, terrified. ALICE'S POV This is looking less like an insane
asylum in the 1940's and The maniacs converge on her. One
pushes his way through the HIGH SHOT, LOOKING DOWN as CAMERA begins to descend, pushing
in, moving closer, the MATCH CUT TO: INT. ALICE'S BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING Alice lunges up from bed INTO FRAME.
SCREAMING. Dan ALICE CAMERA TRACKS AROUND until Alice's profile blocks Dan's
face. The following line VOICE (O.S.) Suddenly ENGLUND's leering face pushes
into FOREGROUND FRAME, Englund rolls on top of her, pinning her to the mattress. CLOSE ON ENGLUND grinning down at her, his tongue snaking out his mouth. ENGLUND ALICE pushes him away with every ounce of
her strength. She starts INT. ALICE'S - EARLY MORNING Alice sits up, terrified! Looks around
in panic. Realizes Alice tries to collect herself. The
dream is over. But we INT. ALICE'S BATHROOM - EARLY MORNING Alice moves toward the shower. Pauses
the fountain's center. DAN WIDER Laughter from a sea of fellow
graduates who are gathered DAN (cont'd) The kids sends up a cheer as Dan
throws his cap into the air PAN OVER TO GRETA AND HER MOTHER standing at the edge of the group.
Greta is living proof of Her mother, RACINE GIBSON, a once
beautiful woman now RACINE GIBSON GRETA RACINE GIBSON ANGLE ON GRETA a head TALLER than everyone around her
as she suddenly GRETA Through the swirling crowd we see
Alice standing with YVONNE, YVONNE Yvonne gives Alice a little tug and they hurry toward Greta. THE THREE GIRLS Yvonne and Greta throw their arms
around one another and send YVONNE (cont'd) ALL THREE Alice isn't getting into the spirit of
things. Yvonne tries YVONNE Alice joins in, trying to be cheerful. ALICE ALL THREE GREAT ALL THREE The all three put their hands together
in an overhead SLAP. YVONNE ALICE YVONNE ALICE Greta playfully tugs at her gown, interrupting them. GRETA YVONNE ALICE They laugh. Greta feigns hormonal desperation. GRETA MARK, good-looking, though
considerably off-the-wall, STEPS MARK Greta drops the pose and addresses the heavens. GRETA ALICE Mark smiles at Greta, as he puts away
his sketchbook. MARK GRETA MARK Yvonne and Alice laugh. ALICE MARK GRETA RACINE GIBSON Past her shoulder, Greta indicates
Mrs. Gibson, glaring MARK GRETA ALICE ALL LAUGH. MARK GRETA Dismisses his sketchbook. GRETA (cont'd) All turn as Mark's father, MR. GREY,
approaches. Mr. Grey MR. GREY Mark becomes uncomfortable in this big man's presence. MARK They offer up a trio of hellos. Alice turns to Mark. ALICE MR. GREY GRETA He looks to Mark, who goes sheepish, then fesses up. MARK Mark's dad isn't too amused. MR. GREY MARK There is an awkward beat as everyone falls quiet. ALICE YVONNE As Alice turns away, the cheerful face
she put on dissolves FOLLOW ALICE through the crowd.
Suddenly, a DARK SHAPE looms DAN ALICE DAN He sets her down, his feelings hurt. Alice recovers. ALICE He plants one on her lips. Then... DAN He reaches into a pocket beneath his
gown. Grins as he hands ALICE DAN ALICE Dan's well-acquainted with Alice's
moods. He turns to her DAN ALICE DAN Alice hesitates. ALICE Dan's face grows concerned. DAN ALICE Dan gives her a reassuring hug. DAN ALICE DAN ALICE DAN ALICE Suddenly, MR. JORDAN, Dan's robust
middle-aged father, MR. JORDAN Dan's father drags a gruff-looking,
crew-cutted man INTO MR. JORDAN (cont'd) OSTROW DAN Mr. Jordan starts to lead Dan away. MR. JORDAN Mrs. Jordan shoots a less than friendly look at Alice. MRS. JORDAN ALICE Dan and his parents move away with the
coach. Alice stares AT THE FOUNTAIN A wall of people moves away and Alice
finds herself among MARK GRETA Alice shakes her head. ALICE MARK Yvonne shares an amused look with
Alice, then steps in takes YVONNE GRETA YVONNE Mark's face lights up. He goes off like a joy bomb. MARK The three girls look at each other,
annoyed. Then break out ALICE GRETA & YVONNE On cue, the girls all give Mark a
SHOVE! He falls back, arms MARK The girls help pull a chagrined Mark
from the fountain. ALICE GRETA MR. GREY All groan. RACINE GIBSON GRETA Alice glances at her watch. Looks
around for someone. Can't ALICE NEAR THE TREES Alice trudges along, staring at the ground, unhappy. ALICE (cont'd) VOICE (O.S.) Alice looks up, surprised. Her father
stands before her, ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE ALICE'S DAD He produces a wrapped present from
behind his back. ALICE'S DAD (cont'd) She gleefully rips the paper off and
opens the box. It's a ALICE ALICE'S DAD Alice stares lovingly at him. ALICE She gives him a kiss on the cheek. He
tries to take it in ALICE'S DAD ALICE ANGLE ON PARENTS AND KIDS lining up for a group photo. Alice and
her father ENTER EXT. HIGH SCHOOL PARKING LOT - LATER Parents and off spring are moving
toward their cars. CAMERA ALICE AND DAN hugging. Her father stands a few feet away. DAN Alice nods. Dan shakes her father's hand. DAN (cont'd) Alice's father frowns. DAN (cont'd) Dan smiles at Alice and heads off.
Alice hands her gown and ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE He climbs into the car. Smiles his gruff smile. ALICE'S DAD Alice waves goodbye as he starts the car. EXT. SPRINGWOOD - DUSK Alice walks down an empty street.
Perhaps too empty to be ALICE gives a faint look of ominous recognition. ON THE STREET Alice passes the entrance to the park. INT. PARK - ALICE'S POV Groups of kids are playing on the
swings, in the sandbox, on ALICE sees something. ALICE'S POV - PAST THE OTHER CHILDREN The ELM STREET CHILDREN play their
ominous rope games... The ALICE Her face hardens with resolve. ALICE She closes her eyes tight. Then opens them again. ALICE'S POV Worse now. All the normal children are
gone. Only the Elm ALICE grows more determined. Heads into the
park. CAMERA STAYS THE ELM STREET CHILDREN always managing to somehow stay one turn ahead of her. THE PARK itself has taken on a foreboding
darkness. The trees cast ALICE has left the path. She moves rapidly
now through branches CLEARING An open green in the center of the
park. She is all alone... ALICE'S POV - IN A 360 PAN There is nothing but the green common
with the trees and But from somewhere nearby, she hears
the chanting VOICES VOICES CAMERA CONTINUES IN A SECOND 360 And now, where there was foliage a
moment ago we see a set of ALICE stares with intrigue as the children's voices fade. ANGLE ON THE STEPS - LOOKING DOWN past stone GARGOYLES in the
FOREGROUND. The nun hurries up ALICE ANGLE ON ASYLUM DOORS at the top of the steps as the nun moves inside. ANGLE ON STEPS - FROM INSIDE DOOR Alice runs up, INTO SHOT. Stops.
Glances up at something ON THE ASYLUM TOWER rising toward the sky. Immense and
imposing. Three windows REVERSE ANGEL - LOOKING DOWN AT THE STEPS INT. HOSPITAL CONVENT - NIGHT Completely deserted. Alice moves
slowly down a seemingly INTERCUT Alice's pensive watchful face
with the shadowy A FREDDYESQUE BABY STROLLER black, ominous looking, rusting, rolls
slowly down the ALICE as she backs against the wall watching
the evil pram roll THE NUN hurrying SOUNDLESSLY through a
doorway. We only catch a ALICE reacts. Runs past the stroller towards the nun. THE WHITE OF A NUN'S HABIT SWIRLS OUT
INTO FRAME and starts ALICE'S POV Moving up. There is a SQUEAKY ECHO OF WHEELS OFF-SCREEN. ON ALICE FROM BELOW as she turns to look down. CLOSE ON ALICE as she looks back up the stairs. She
takes one step forward WHAM!! She's yanked down OUT OF FRAME! A SET OF DOUBLE DOORS BANGS open. Alice lies on a gurney,
her head tilted back to BANG!! She is pushed through another set of doors into INT. DELIVERY ROOM WHITE HABITED NURSES, AIDES, and
DOCTORS all crowd around and ALICE looks around, horrified and confused. A DOCTOR leans down toward her. DOCTOR ALICE sits bolt upright on the gurney. ALICE HER POV PANNING The crowd of spectators...orderlies,
nurses and doctors, have ALICE (IN THE SPECTATORS) Her eyes lock with... AMANDA KRUEGER'S who is now the one on the gurney, about to give birth. AMANDA A painful contraction wracks her body. ALICE tries to understand the meaning of her words. AMANDA is now lost in the agony of Freddy's birth. DOCTOR The birth proceeds. DOCTOR (cont'd) A NUN stands, holding something in swaddling
(which obscures the NUN AMANDA struggles upright on the operating
table. She is drenched in AMANDA THE NUN gazes at Amanda, shocked by her words.
She starts to speak. We hear a horrible BRAYING SOUND. THE ORDERLIES involuntarily step back, staring at
the thing on the floor. AMANDA (cont'd) A few orderlies scramble to close the
doors. Some bolt ALICE watches, transfixed. Then... BABY FREDDY'S POV streaking towards Alice. He scuttled
between her legs and AMANDA (0.S. cont'd) THE DOUBLE DOORS swing closed. PAN to Alice, as she
gets back to her feet and ALICE'S POV The delivery room is empty. ALICE turns back to the doors. She moves slowly and deliberately. THE DOORS - ALICE'S POV CAMERA moves toward them. ALICE scared but determined. She stops in front of them. THE DOORS HOLD LONG ENOUGH so that we're dead
sure something evil is ALICE takes a deep breath and reaches out to open the doors! Nothing awful grabs her. Her
expression changes to one of INT. CHURCH - OVER ALICE'S SHOULDER where Freddy "died" in
Nightmare Four. That horrible BRAYING ALICE'S POV moving past row after row of pews.
There are SLIMY, GULPING ALICE ain't to happy about that! NEAR THE ALTAR Freddy's fetid remains lie in a
crumpled heap. We recognize ALICE stops for a moment...staring at the
place she thought she There is a SLITHERING SOUND from the
steps leading to the ALICE watches in horror. THE FETAL MONSTER - ALICE'S POV now we see this "baby". It's
shape is vaguely human, but ALICE Her eyes widen as she realizes what is about to happen. ALICE THE THING begins to crawl in through on of Freddy's pants legs. ALICE runs toward the altar. There is an EAR-SPLITTING NOISE OF WOOD BEING RIPPED AWAY. THE ALTAR rise from the floor. The floorboards
begin to tilt up toward The angle of the rising floor throws
Alice back. She looks ALICE'S POV It continues to rise, preventing her from reaching it. ALICE can only desperately, impotently try
to crawl "uphill" WE INTERCUT Alice's struggle to reach Freddy
before he is "resurrected" SPLINTERING WOOD; SHATTERING GLASS; the RISING ALTAR. CLOSE SHOTS of bits and pieces of
Freddy's metamorphosis seen ALICE struggles, but there is no way she can
even reach the altar, ONE FINAL CLOSE UP of Freddy's mid-section, stretching
fully into shape. And The floor falls back into its level
position with a dust SILENCE. And dust. Then. ALICE raises herself up off the floor. Looks around. ALICE'S POV Nothing but dust and smoke, back-lit
by light streaming in ALICE in BACKGROUND, through the smoke EXTREME FOREGROUND ON ALICE as she hears the GHASTLY SCRAPING SOUND of Freddy's claws. THE ALTAR - ALICE'S POV Nothing but the settling dust...and
somewhere behind it, a FREDDY EMERGES standing in front of the pulpit with
his arms raised in an He looks even a little more grotesque
than usual. Misshapen, FREDDY ALICE backs away from him, frightened...and
angry. Freddy's not in ALICE Freddy laughs, a dry rasping cackle.
Takes a step closer to Alice follows that laughter with her
frightened eyes, Freddy appears right behind her. He
slips his arm around her FREDDY Alice almost jumps out of her skin. She spins around to see Freddy throw his head back and
CACKLE...then a shaft of light Alice faces the doors too. AMANDA KRUEGER in her nun's habit, gazes at them from
a room beyond the AMANDA FREDDY makes a sound of PURE HATRED as he
glares at his mother. AMANDA turns to Alice. AMANDA (cont'd) ALICE starts to move towards Amanda. Picks
up her pace as she ALICE ON AMANDA AND ALICE as Alice now RUNS toward her. AMANDA But just as Alice is about to reach
the doors, they SLAM ALICE Alice struggles to get the big doors
open. When she does, INT. CRAVE INN - NIGHT ...walking through the diner's front
door. (She's back in VOICE (O.S.) Alice damn near jumps out of her skin.
Spins around! It's ALICE ANNE She throws her apron at Alice. WHIP
PAN with the apron to ALICE She looks at the clock. It's after
midnight. Anne angrily ANNE Alice just stands there, stunned. Anne
shakes her head and ANNE (cont'd) ALICE ANNE The door slams as Anne goes out. Alice
reaches for the EXT. CAMPUS SWIMMING POOL - NIGHT A raucous pool party in full swing.
People are splashing A GIRL'S BLOODCURDLING SCREAM rises above the cacophony. People
scatter to get the hell YVONNE leaping off the high-dive, plunges
like a graceful comet She comes to the surface and swims to
the pool's edge amid DAN AND MARK Dan sleepily lies in a lounge chair.
An unopened bottle of Greta sits next to them in a gorgeous
bikini. She reaches GRETA Dan passes the beer to Mark, who lines
it up next to the one DAN YVONNE Yvonne towels off herself as she tries
to catch up on the MARK YVONNE Greta offers a beer to Yvonne. GRETA YVONNE GRETA DAN The others turn toward him. Mark and
Greta know just what YVONNE DAN MARK GRETA MARK Greta stares at him, blown away. GRETA There is a beat, as all ponder this in
silence. Then Mark MARK Dan grabs the bottle away. DAN Behind them we hear the SOUND of a
glass breaking O.S., ANGLE ON POOL'S EDGE One of their classmates clutches his
foot in pain, then pulls ANGLE ON MARK, DAN, GRETA AND YVONNE Everyone cringes. But Mark really
reacts. He turns PALE. MARK GRETA DAN MARK YVONNE MARK Dan shakes his head at Mark's
sensitivity. He closes his GRETA Mark opens his eyes as the Jock leans toward them. JOCK Dan nods. Sets the bottle down and begins to head away. DAN GRETA INT. CRAVE INN - NIGHT Alice talks on the telephone - trying to remain calm. ALICE She listens. Seems to feel a little relief. ALICE (cont'd) EXT. CAMPUS SWIMMING POOL - NIGHT Mark sits next to Greta, showing her
his sketchbook. Yvonne YVONNE DAN Mark turns to Greta with a knowing grin. MARK Dan starts to hurry away. Mark calls to him. MARK (cont'd) Dan stops. Mark hefts the champagne.
Dan grabs it, almost MARK (cont'd) EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT Dan's truck speeds along a deserted stretch of road. IN THE TRUCK Dan is at the wheel. He looks intense,
worried about Alice. D.J. (O.S.) He hangs up on her. PUSH IN CLOSER and
CLOSER on Dan as this D.J. (O.S. cont'd) Dan's eyes close for a second. There
is an eerie BUZZ and MRS. JORDAN (O.S.) Dan's eyes open and he stares in shock
at the radio which has DAN Then another voice comes to him through the radio. FREDDY (O.S.) THE RADIO changes from "talk show" to
a BLARINGLY LOUD HEAVY METAL DAN stares down at the radio. His
confusion has given way to THE SEAT BELTS snake out to impossible length,
wrapping around his arms. THE TRUCK crosses over onto the center divider, out of control. CLOSE ON GAS AND BRAKE PEDALS Dan tries to hit the brakes. But as
his foot comes off the DAN winces in pain. Wrenches his left arm
free of the belts and THE TRUCK lurches across the center divider and
charges into the DAN hunts wildly for the elusive gear
shift. Hears a LOUD POP FREDDY is now sitting in the passenger seat,
clutching Dan's bottle FREDDY (cont'd) DAN some of the drops hit him, burning his
chest and arms. Dan FREDDY His striped jersey begins to smoke as
the shoulder socket FREDDY (cont'd) LOW ANGLE ON FREDDY as he reaches with his left arm and
RIPS his right arm off. DAN has been watching all this in horror.
Suddenly...he hears a TRACKING TOWARDS DAN as he looks down at the gear shift lever. CLOSE ON HIS HAND slamming the lever into REVERSE. CLOSE ON DAN'S TRUCK TIRE skidding on the pavement. Burning
rubber. Starting to melt DAN is slammed headfirst through the
windshield. Shattering EXT. CAMPUS SWIMMING POOL - NIGHT CLOSE ON CEMENT AT POOL'S EDGE Dan slams down INTO SHOT, bouncing on
the hard ground. His He manages to untangle himself from
the overturned chair and Dan looks around, dazed. The pool is
empty. The party has Behind him is a glassed in
cubicle/office. The ringing phone DAN Dan turns, and charges toward the parking lot. EXT. CAMPUS PARKING LOT - NIGHT DAN'S TRUCK in the FOREGROUND. Beside
it sits a gleaming He tries to open the truck's door.
Locked. He slams the Its key is snugly in the ignition
slot, like an invitation. AT THE PARKING LOT EXIT From across the lot we see Dan and
bike charging toward us. EXT. STREET - NIGHT Dan guns the bike's motor and races
toward the Crave-Inn. THE ENGINE gives a terrific GROWL. The bike's
front end comes off the DAN frantically dodges several cars,
swerving into the oncoming CLOSE ON PANEL All the gauges are RED LINED. DAN'S FACE begins to distort with the G-FORCE of
this impossible ride. THE INSTRUMENT PANEL goes out of control. The gauges swing
erratically. They THE PANEL EXPLODES! Its cover flies away in shards
revealing a frenzied The wires and lights begin to ungulate
in an evolution of THE BIKE is moving so fast now the other cares
are only passing blurs. THE INSTRUMENT PANEL continues to metamorphasize. Wires
spark and leap as they Shards of sparking metal marshal
themselves into two rows of Other wires form cheekbones, lips, and
the sickeningly And that's just what we're looking at... CYBERNETIC FREDDY! His electric eyes stare up at Dan's
frightened face with the FREDDY DAN stares down at the face in horror.
Then he sees something DAN'S POV his right hand clutches the
handlebar/throttle. Cables feed WHIP PAN To Dan's left hand. Cables have melded
with his bubbling CAMERA CRANES DOWN across the side of the bike, where the
gas tank is starting CAMERA CONTINUES DOWN toward the cylinders, which stretch
and begin to breathe, CAMERA PANS UP and we see Dan from below the
handlebars. Through the THE HANDLEBARS now joined completely to Dan's hands,
THRUST DOWNWARD, CAMERA TRACKS from left to right, passing beneath
the breathing cylinders. THE EXHAUST PIPE is merging with Dan's leg. Growing
into it, as Dan's skin TILT UP TO DAN'S FACE and now we realize that Dan has become
a MACHINE/MAN, like a CLOSE ON DAN'S FACE Only his eyes remain human. Dan
struggles, continuing to CAMERA RAPIDLY PULLS BACK to reveal a FULL SHOT of the FREDDY
BIKE hurtling down the DAN FREDDY'S FACE/INSTRUMENT PANEL PUSH IN on Freddy's leering grin. FREDDY EXTREMELY CLOSE ON DAN'S EYES looking down at Freddy. A bright light washes over Dan's eyes;
toward CAMERA like a PULL BACK to reveal that the POV is
now from inside Dan's CAMERA TILTS DOWN to Dan's unattended steering wheel... REVERSE ANGLE - FAST TRACK through the windshield, IN SLOW
it. The meat begins to ALICE she is pouring a late night CUSTOMER a
NIGHTMARE FACE - Alice turns. Runs toward the wall. ALICE DAN'S HIDEOUS FACE PULLS AWAY as his
DISTORTED, GROTESQUE He disappears into the depths just as
Alice reaches the wall. ALICE is wracked with a SPASM and PAIN! She
clutches her stomach EXT. CRAVE INN - NIGHT Alice charges out of the diner. Behind
her, far down the A SERIES OF JUMPCUTS BETWEEN Alice's
as she runs panicked, As she nears the semi, the driver's
door swings violently THE TRUCK DRIVER his bloody face is lit by the burning
wreck of Dan's truck. TRUCK DRIVER We hear a WALL of approaching SIRENS.
Alice's tear-stained DAN Blood wells from his gaping wounds as
he chokes and dies. INT. HOSPITAL OBSERVATION ROOM - NIGHT BLACK. Then... Alice's rim-lit profile
moves into frame. Through the window we can see Alice's
father conferring with ALICE Yvonne hears her and comes over, leaning into frame. YVONNE Alice stares at Yvonne. Things are far from alright. YVONNE (cont'd) Alice shakes her head. ALICE YVONNE Alice stares at her as her eyes fill
with tears as she ALICE'S DAD ALICE YVONNE ALICE'S DAD ALICE Her father looks away, helpless. Dr.
Moore turns to him and DR. MOORE ALICE Yvonne speaks up, trying to be comforting. YVONNE She and Alice hold eyes for a beat. Everyone is silent. YVONNE (cont'd) CLOSE ON ALICE Stunned. She lies back, closing her
eyes tightly. A tear ALICE'S DAD (O.S.) DR. MOORE (O.S.) Alice hasn't been listening. We hold
on her troubled face as ALICE FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL OBSERVATION ROOM - DAWN Alice lies in bed, apparently asleep.
The camera pans slowly The camera continues slowly,
deliberately to move around the JACOB a boy of about six or seven years
stands there, watching He wears a white hospital robe and
stands without moving, Alice's gaze at the ceiling slowly
moves toward the child, as She's startled at first by his
presence. Then she realizes JACOB ALICE They gaze at one another for a beat.
They each seem to be ALICE (cont'd) JACOB She smiles. She waits. He just
watches. He stands there in ALICE JACOB ALICE He cuts her off with: JACOB ALICE JACOB He smiles kind of shyly and turns. Alice calls after him. ALICE But he has already disappeared down
the dark corridor. HOLD EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY Alice and Yvonne walk out of the building. ALICE YVONNE ALICE Yvonne shakes her head. YVONNE Alice stops. Puzzled. ALICE Yvonne looks at Alice with a mixture
of impatience and YVONNE Alice takes this in. Thinks about it.
Yvonne looks a little ALICE YVONNE INT. ALICE'S BEDROOM - DAY CLOSE ON ALICE pacing and speaking animatedly. CAMERA tracks with her. ALICE Mark, sitting at Greta's feet. He
glances up from his ALICE (cont'd) Track to Greta. Hold on her
disbelieving face. She lights MARK She blows smoke in his face. ALICE ANGLE ON GRETA AND YVONNE exchanging dubious,
concerned-for-Alice looks. Mark seems MARK ALICE YVONNE GRETA MARK Alice angrily cuts them off. ALICE There is a beat, then... YVONNE GRETA ALICE YVONNE Alice glares at them, adamant. ALICE Greta looks down at Mark's drawing:
sees his comic book GRETA ALICE Everyone stares at her. Not knowing what to say. MARK Great stands. Puts her hands on Alice's shoulders. GRETA YVONNE Greta nods in agreement. ALICE Hold on Alice, then... INT. ALICE'S KITCHEN - NIGHT Alice removes a couple of frozen
microwave dinners from the Her father comes in carrying a bag of
groceries - healthy ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE ALICE'S DAD Alice looks at him, then hugs him. A
beat. Her father ALICE'S DAD (cont'd) Alice smiles back. Reaches for the can opener. ALICE INT. GRETA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT CLOSE ON GRETA from behind, sitting on the edge of
her bed. All around her, MRS. GIBSON (O.S.) CAMERA SLOWLY TRACKS until we are
facing Greta and we see DOWN ANGLE An 8X10 blow-up of the snapshot taken
on graduation day lies GRETA contemplates the picture. Her eyes
well up. A tear begins a MRS. GIBSON (O.S. cont'd) GRETA Greta pulls herself together. Wipes
her eyes. Sets up the ANGLE ON CHINA DOLL in FOREGROUND as Greta moves to her
bedroom door in ON THE YEARBOOK - EXTREME SLOW MOTION As the doll floats INTO SHOT, falling
towards the photograph, INT. GRETA'S DINING ROOM - NIGHT CLOSE ON HANDS opening a bottle of wine. The cork
comes out with a muffled MRS. GIBSON (O.S.) RACINE GIBSON sits at the head of a massive table,
hosting one of her The house is decorated in "modern
pretentiousness" and the One of the guests turns from Greta to her mother. GUEST Greta doesn't respond. Her mother's delighted. MRS. GIBSON GRETA MRS. GIBSON She glares at her mother. A half-drunk TRENDY GUEST speaks. TRENDY GUEST Mrs. Gibson cuts her off, trying to
damage-control Greta's MRS. GIBSON Another guest speaks up, a THIRTYSOMETHING TYPE. THIRTYSOMETHING GUEST Greta tires to ignore him. The other
guests jump in with FREDERICK, the caterer, steps forward
and offers her GRETA Frederick steps away. The other guests
strangely cease MRS. GIBSON GRETA The other guests begin to eat voraciously. MRS. GIBSON GRETA Her mother glances nervously at the
other guests. Her voice MRS. GIBSON FREDERICK INTRUDES FREDERICK He wheels in a trolley with a sterling
silver chafing dish on The guests continue chowing down,
while Mom beams Frederick removes the lid of the
sterling silver chafing dish With a flourish, he proceeds to slit
it open, filleting it in Frederick has now become Freddy,
transforming from the normal At the end of the blades on Freddy's
claw, a sharpened silver He scoops into the dissected doll and
begins to feed Greta, Freddy jerks her head back to the front. GRETA'S POV as her head is snapped back. Another
claw/spoonful of mush FREDDY The table guests laugh and feast on in the background. MRS. GIBSON FREDDY The guests laugh as Greta struggles
helplessly, moaning and MRS. GIBSON GRETA stares at the claws/scoop wide-eyed as
they force the MUSH GRETA'S POV as Freddy shoves another spoonful. FREDDY GUEST WIDER to reveal what Freddy is feeding her.
He stands over Greta GRETA screams in horror as she realizes what she's eating. INT. ALICE'S KITCHEN - NIGHT OVER ALICE'S SHOULDER As she steps to the refrigerator and
grasps the door handle, Alice pulls the door open. PUSH IN
past her to the groceries Greta's hideously mutated face SHOOTS
INTO CLOSE UP from OVER GRETA'S SHOULDER who we can now see is impossibly
coming out in the open ALICE Then Alice leaps into action. She
grabs Greta's hands and ALICE (cont'd) PULL BACK FAST away from the struggle, through the
kitchen door, into the ALICE (cont'd) POV FROM INSIDE THE REFRIGERATOR looking past the mounds of disgusting
stuff to Alice and ALICE AND GRETA Alice has managed to pull Greta a
couple inches further from ALICE (cont'd) DOWN ANGLE ON ALICE as she quickly yanks the fridge open
again and CLOSE ON ALICE staring into the fridge with amazement and fear. ALICE closes the door and rushes to the telephone on the wall. INT. GRETA'S DINING ROOM - NIGHT IN THE DREAM - FREDDY AND GRETA Freddy shoves another clawful of stuff
into Greta's mouth. Freddy pulls Greta to him. Hugs her,
patting her back, like Freddy's "patting" becomes
harder. Greta jolts under each IN THE DINNER PARTY - ON GRETA - FROM BELOW, SHOOTING UP She starts to choke. Her face goes blue. She stands. THE GUESTS stare at her in shocked amazement. GRETA stands, arms out, leaning forward as
though suspended, as if GRETA'S MOTHER looks down in shock at her obviously dead daughter. GRETA'S MOTHER EXT. GREY'S CONSTRUCTION - NIGHT A big industrial shop. Mark's father's
business and their The "& SON" has been
recently added. Alice and Yvonne, still INT. GREY'S CONSTRUCTION - NIGHT A huge warehouse and commercial shop.
Rows of scaffolding, ANGLE ON THE OFFICE DOOR Alice and Yvonne peer inside. Mr.
Grey, dressed in workman's ALICE He looks up, very upset. Nods. Angrily
gestures toward the MR. GREY IN THE RACKS OF THE SCAFFOLDING The rays of a single worklight high on
the back of the wall Alice and Yvonne enter shot, backs to CAMERA, watching him. ALICE MARK Looks like he's not. Mark ignores them
as Alice and Yvonne ALICE MARK Alice steps closer to him, her empathy
allowing her to ignore YVONNE ALICE Yvonne shakes her head. Not wishing
Alice to indulge her YVONNE But Alice's words have left an effect
on Mark. He brings his MARK ALICE YVONNE Mark glances at her. MARK He goes back to Alice. ALICE YVONNE Mark turns his displaced anger on her full force. MARK YVONNE MARK YVONNE She starts to turn away. Mark gets angry again. Shouts. MARK ALICE Hurt, Yvonne starts to get up. Turns
for the stairs. Mark MARK She stops. Turns. MARK (cont'd) Yvonne gives him a little hug. Tries to smile. YVONNE MARK Yvonne brushes Mark's hair from his face like a big sister. YVONNE Mark nods. Tries to smile. Alice steps
up to them. Puts a ALICE INT. MARK'S ROOM - LATER A combination studio and storage space
for the world's MARK (O.S.) ALICE (O.S.) Tacked to the walls and scaffolding,
are dozens of drawings. As the CAMERA pans across the
sketches, we see the evolution CONTINUE TO PAN until we come to a SIX
Mark, sitting near his ALICE Mark nods. Thinks. MARK ALICE Mark looks at Alice. Sees the certainty on her face. MARK ALICE INT. MARK'S ROOM - LATER Alice is coming back into the room
with two steaming mugs. ALICE She starts forward, looking around for him. IN THE BED Mark has fallen asleep. BELOW Alice can't see him. She approaches the drawing table. ALICE'S POV approaching the table. ALICE sets the coffee down and sees something that stops her cold. THE TABLE - ALICE'S POV The sketch of Greta begins to move,
reassembling itself into ALICE realizes what's happening. Reaches her hand toward the page. ALICE (cont'd) But he goes inside. Alice quickly picks up one of Mark's
colored felt tip pens PUSH IN on Alice, eyes closed, using
all her will... (The EXT. ELM STREET HOUSE Alice goes inside. INT. ELM STREET HOUSE, LIVING ROOM Alice rushes inside. Comes to a halt as she sees A HUGE, GAPING HOLE in the floor, with jagged
"paper" edges, like something out Alice rushes over. Through the hole,
she sees what Mark is CLOSE ON ALICE as she kneels and stretches her hand toward Mark. CLOSE ON MARK He looks up at Alice, noticing her for
the first time, and ALICE (O.S.) Terrified, retches a bloody hand
toward Alice, straining to FETAL CANAL POV - LOOKING UP Mark's legs dangle above, slipping
lower as the paper MARK AND ALICE - DOWN ANGLE Alice gets down on her belly, trying
to reach closer to Mark, CLOSE ON THEIR HANDS fingertips quivering a millimeter
apart, then touching, then FETAL CANAL POV - LOOKING UP Alice begins to pull Mark up, away from CAMERA ALICE AND MARK - SIDE ANGLE As Alice struggles to pull Mark from
the yawning mouth of the ALICE (cont'd) ANGLE ON FRONT DOOR As Alice races INTO SHOT toward the
door. Mark follows close ALICE (cont'd) CLOSE ON MARK hands raised before his face. His eyes
are opened in shock. WIDER Alice watches as Mark feints himself
AWAKE. As he's about to CAMERA PANS TO RIGHT until we see...
JACOB standing at a ALICE freezes. Stares at this odd child with
a mixture of ALICE (cont'd) JACOB AND ALICE Alice approaches, keeping a little
distance between them. JACOB He goes back to the window. Alice
takes on a tone of ALICE JACOB Alice ponders that. ALICE He shakes his head no. JACOB Alice stares at him, intrigued. ALICE JACOB Alice takes another step forward. ALICE JACOB ALICE Jacob turns to her. His face full of hurt and accusation. JACOB ALICE his lonely eyes begin to well up. JACOB Alice stares at him, stunned as the
realization hits her. ALICE JACOB Alice doesn't like the implications of
that at all. She ALICE But he pulls away, drawn by something
in the shadows near the JACOB Jacob scurries up the stairs into the shadows. ALICE She runs after him, charging up the
stairs and finding INT. MARK'S LOFT - MORNING Alice climbs up the last stair and
steps into the loft. Mark sits up in his bed. Stares at the
cuts in hands with MARK Mark looks up at Alice, who's more concerned than ever. MARK (cont'd) ALICE Mark looks confused. MARK ALICE MARK Alice freezes. Realizing... ALICE Then, she hurriedly begins to gather her things. ALICE (cont'd) She bolts for the stairs. Mark restrains her. MARK ALICE Alice is on the verge of tears. Mark
puts his hands on her MARK Alice nods, getting a hold of herself.
Mark hands her the ALICE MARK INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR - DAY Alice hurries down the near deserted
corridor. Yvonne rushes YVONNE ALICE Yvonne suddenly pulls Alice to a halt, dismayed. YVONNE ALICE Alice starts off again. Yvonne really looks worried now. YVONNE ALICE Suddenly a thought strikes her. She wheels on Yvonne. ALICE (cont'd) Yvonne hesitates, afraid her answer
might feed Alice's YVONNE INT. DR. MOORE'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Yvonne adjusts the ULTRA SOUND
MONITOR. Dr. Moore finishes DR. MOORE Yvonne shoots a frustrated look at Alice. ALICE DR. MOORE ALICE DR. MOORE Dr. Moore throws a dark look at Yvonne. ALICE Yvonne hands the ultra-sound device to
Dr. Moore. He runs THE ULTRA-SOUND MONITOR The screen comes on with a BLIP. A
barely distinguishable DR. MOORE (O.S.) Yvonne flicks a switch and a steady
RHYTHMIC BEAT begins on Alice watches the screen, fascinated.
Suddenly... The Alice turns apprehensively to Yvonne
and Dr. Moore, who are The wall behind Alice starts to
PULSATE...become FLESHLIKE. WHOOSH! Alice is sucked through the opening! AN IRIDESCENT BEAM OF LIGHT (ALICE) flies through a landscape of pulsing
blood vessels and living AN ENORMOUS VALVE stretches open and the beam of
"light" shoots through it, Then Alice floats up INTO FRAME...a
translucent figure, HER UNBORN BABY glowing with innocence.
Floating...umbilical chord in the ON ALICE as she approaches the child. She's
fascinated...enchanted. FREDDY KRUEGER smiling at Alice. FREDDY ALICE reacts in fear as she sees... THE UMBILICAL CHORD beginning to bulge as something forces
its way through it WHOOSH, WHOOSH, they shoot into the fetus. ALICE'S fear turns to utter horror as she sees... THE FETUS its skin has turned translucent and we
see the tiny, "as in ON THE SOULS screaming in terror! FREDDY'S HUGE FACE leering in twisted pleasure. THE BABY'S FACE begins to slowly transform into a mask
of fear and pain. Its ON FREDDY As he realizes the child is on the
verge of awakening. He ALICE screams at Freddy. ALICE THE CHILD begins to turn toward Alice as it
nears consciousness. Its MATCH CUT TO: INT. DR. MOORE'S OFFICE CLOSE ON ALICE eyes open wide in terror. She looks around, panicked. ALICE DR. MOORE leans INTO SHOT, removing the testing device. DR. MOORE HOLD ON ALICE. She's got knowledge Dr.
Moore hasn't got. ALICE Yvonne shoots a look at Dr. Moore. She
realizes she'd better YVONNE Yvonne manages to guide Alice from the
room. Dr. Moore INT. ALICE'S BEDROOM - DAY Alice ENTERS, carrying two mugs of
coffee and speaking in a ALICE She hands one of the cups to Yvonne,
who tries to get her YVONNE Yvonne sets her mug down and gently
places her hands on YVONNE (cont'd) Alice nods. Calmly replies. ALICE Yvonne looks into Alice's eyes. We see
that she really cares YVONNE ALICE YVONNE ALICE Suddenly the door is pushed open and
Mark enters carrying a YVONNE ALICE MARK Yvonne looks at him with frustration. YVONNE MARK Yvonne ruefully shakes her head. Tries the calm approach. YVONNE ALICE Yvonne abandons the calm approach. Wheels on Alice. YVONNE She turns for the door. Mark shoves the folder towards her. MARK Yvonne knocks the folder from Mark's
hand, scattering its MARK (cont'd) Alice nods. They start picking up the scattered clippings. ALICE Mark looks up at her. MARK Alice looks up at him, intrigued. MARK (cont'd) Alice thinks about it, very hard. Finally shakes her head. ALICE MARK ALICE leans down again and continues picking
up the clippings. ALICE Her father's voice floats up from downstairs. ALICE'S DAD (O.S.) INT. ALICE'S LIVING ROOM Alice comes down the stairs. Her
father is sitting in the ALICE Mrs. Jordan smiles at Alice a little
too sweetly. We see the MRS. JORDAN Alice hesitates, this is the last thing she needs right now. ALICE'S DAD Mrs. Jordan nervously cuts him off. MRS. JORDAN ALICE Mrs. Jordan glances at her husband. He
uncomfortably shifts MR. JORDAN His voice trails off. His wife frowns
at his lack of MRS. JORDAN Alice continues to stare at her, not
quite sure where this is MRS. JORDAN (cont'd) ALICE MRS. JORDAN Mr. Jordan, clearly uncomfortable, tries to cut her off. MR. JORDAN She ignores him, getting more forceful. MRS. JORDAN ALICE Alice's father gives Mrs. Jordan a dark look. Surprised. MR. JORDAN ALICE MRS. JORDAN ALICE Mrs. Jordan stands, losing her composure. MRS. JORDAN Alice's father stands. Turns an angry gaze on Mrs. Jordan. ALICE'S DAD SWIRLING JACUZZI As Yvonne approaches. She steps up to
the side and gingerly CLOSE ON SURFACE OF WATER frothing and bubbling ominously.
Yvonne's toe glides down CLOSE ON YVONNE smiling happily. CLOSE ON SURFACE OF JACUZZI as Yvonne lowers herself into the
luxurious water. We're INT. CAMPUS POOL - WIDE SHOT - DAY No one in sight. Yvonne ENTERS, wet
from the jacuzzi. THE LADDER - LOW ANGLE Yvonne climbs INTO SHOT, going up the ladder. ON THE BOARD - OVERHEAD She stretches, then starts walking out
on the board. Water OVER YVONNE'S SHOULDER as she moves out onto the board.
CAMERA TRACKS DOWN level THE END OF THE BOARD from below, looking back and up at
Yvonne as the board CLOSE ON YVONNE reacting as the trembling increases. THE ENTIRE BOARD begins to shake violently, whipping
back and forth. Yvonne YVONNE reaches for the rail. It comes off in her hand! LOOKING OVER YVONNE'S SHOULDER at the end of the board. Rust runs
back from the end like a THE BOARD (SIDE ANGLE) The claws at the end of the board
begin to roll up and move LOOKING OVER YVONNE'S SHOULDER as she retreats from the approaching
claws. Suddenly, a FREDDY'S CLAW - FROM BELOW rolling up around Yvonne. FREDDY'S CLAW - SIDE ANGLE Holding a terrified Yvonne in its
palm, and about to close YVONNE leaps from the claw. ANGLE ON YVONNE - SLOW MOTION as she moves down THROUGH FRAME, tumbling out of control. THE POOL - YVONNE'S POV about seventy-feet below and getting
closer every second as ANGLE ON YVONNE - SLOW MOTION she begins to regain her equilibrium.
Straightens out, ANOTHER ANGLE ON YVONNE Now in perfect diving form, she
gracefully slices through the CLOSE ON YVONNE'S FACE suddenly filling with horror. She SCREAMS as she sees THE POOL - FROM ABOVE which was FULL a second ago, is now
EMPTY, save for a small CLOSE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL Yvonne hits the puddle! Water splashes
up and...she keeps BLACK LIMBO suddenly Yvonne breaks through the
void in a crash of INT. FREDDY JACUZZI A small room with rusted and decaying
lockers along the Yvonne dives down INTO SHOT, plunges
through the surface of INT. MARK'S ROOM - NIGHT CLOSE ON GRAINY B&W PHOTO OF AMANDA KRUEGER Frozen in time. Staring from her nun's
habit, eyes filled ALICE (O.S.) MARK (O.S.) The photo is yanked down out of frame,
WHIP PAN to Alice ALICE MARK ALICE Mark shakes his head, grinning at the creepiness of it. MARK ALICE MARK He hands her the clipping. Alice scans
it. We see the ALICE MARK Alice puts down the article. Glances
at Mark who has gone ALICE MARK Alice frowns, this is news to her. ALICE Mark finds what he's looking for. A
huge volume with a MARK Alice looks down at the book. It's RLA
Frakes' EARLY MARK (cont'd) Alice gives him a frown, then goes
back to Amanda's photo; ALICE CLOSE ON PHOTO - TIGHT ON AMANDA'S FACE Following Alice's gaze, CAMERA PANS UP
from Amanda's face, to CLOSE ON ALICE pondering the tower. ALICE (cont'd) ALICE AND MARK She puts down the photo and faces Mark. ALICE (cont'd) MARK PUSH IN on Alice's face. ALICE Alice turns and steps out of frame. CLOSE ON MARK still perusing the volume, his back to
Alice. Suddenly, MARK jumps, stunned. He blinks, did that
really happen? Then he PUSH FOCUS FULL SCREEN to drawing of Mark's comic book
creation, THE PHANTOM A HUGE HAND holding a PENCIL comes
INTO FRAME, and continues MARK'S TIRED FACE filled with an artist's concentration.
He glances OFF ALICE asleep in his bed. TRACK IN CLOSE on
her face until the dark ALICE (cont'd) Alice moves down the corridor, away
sketches lying on the TRACK AROUND MARK to reveal Alice still asleep on the bed. INT. ASYLUM CORRIDOR A long, arched, Gothic corridor, lit
by pools of light. At ALICE (O.S.) ALICE walks past CAMERA INTO SHOT and
pauses. Sees the AT THE STAIRCASE Alice glances toward the top. Instead
of leading to a Laying her head on the wall, pressing
her hands to it, she ALICE (cont'd) Suddenly, from behind... FREDDY (O.S.) Alice turns toward the voice. FREDDY (cont'd) ON ALICE She starts rolling across the wall. As
we pull back, the Suddenly, a RUSTING METAL DOOR is
revealed in the wall down Freddy slowly rises from the boiling
jacuzzi, until he stands Alice climbs to her feet, warily. FREDDY plunges his arm beneath the surface
and yanks Yvonne up by FREDDY (cont'd) ALICE is taken by surprise. Steels herself. AT THE STAIRCASE Alice glances toward the top. Instead
of leading to a Laying her head on the wall, pressing
her hands to it, she ALICE Suddenly, a door slams. Alice,
startled, looks. But before Alice starts rolling across the wall.
As we pull back, the Suddenly, a RUSTING METAL DOOR is
revealed in the wall down She drops into the murky water. She
slowly turns with utter FREDDY Alice, startled, quickly regains her composure. ALICE FREDDY He plunges his arm beneath the surface
and yanks Yvonne up by ALICE Freddy cackles and dunks Yvonne savagely. FREDDY FREDDY AND YVONNE he hoists her closer, until their
faces are an inch apart. Alice circles Freddy until she is on
the opposite side from ALICE Yvonne's eyes swivel to Alice in
recognition. As Alice ALICE AND YVONNE and as they speak, she flails Freddy
across the stomach, Freddy staggers back and disappears into the jacuzzi. Alice and Yvonne run back into the
asylum and SLAM the door We cut back inside the jacuzzi to see
Freddy's hand emerge YVONNE AND ALICE sprawled on the corridor floor where
they landed. Yvonne ALICE YVONNE Alice and Yvonne share a weary, rueful
smile. Alice pulls ALICE INT. MARK'S ROOM - LATER Mark lays on the floor, still propped
up on one elbow, THE COMIC'S COVER has something very familiar on
it...Freddy's claw, in mid- MARK intrigued, rolls hover on his stomach
and opens the comic IN THE COMIC drawn in black and white, a comic book
style representation MARK begins to flip back through the comic
book. INTERCUT his THE COMIC BOOK the B&W illustrations depict the
other mayhem that Freddy has MARK There is a drawing of him, lying on
the floor, reading a MARK stares a moment, touches the first
empty frame, then he TURNS BLACK AND WHITE a whirlwind of black and white comics
swirl round and round, MARK in COLOR, backed against a wall of
BLACK AND WHITE Freddyized PULL BACK to reveal he's standing in a
corner made by two Mark looks around, frightened. Starts
climbing his way up Mark looks through the scaffolding and sees FREDDY on the other side, ripping through the
scaffolding supports FREDDY MARK eyes going wide. He jumps down. Turns
around. Sees the ANGLE ON MARK running away from CAMERA down an
enormous CANYON OF THE CANYON OF RACKS - DOWN ANGLE Looking down from far above we see
Mark frantically racing MARK slides to a halt as he comes face to
face with A DEAD END. BLACK AND WHITE FREDDY laughs as he reaches out and grabs the
scaffolding on either BLACK AND WHITE FREDDY - SIDE ANGLE TRACKING with Freddy as he rushes down
the aisle, riding a ANGLE ON MARK at the dead end. CAMERA RACES right
toward him! He raises THROUGH MARK'S HANDS as we see BLACK AND WHITE FREDDY's
leering face loom right ON MARK Freddy's gone! Mark lowers his arms,
amazed and relieved. ON MARK - DOWN ANGLE as ton after ton of scaffolding and
shelves crash down around MARK looks at all the destruction around
him. Suddenly, SPLAT! ON THE SCAFFOLDING BEHIND MARK - LOW ANGLE The shelves that were stuffed with
comics a second ago have Then, about halfway up, B&W FREDDY
steps into view, dragging Greta's porcelain face and stomach
bear large cracks, through GRETA MARK stares up at her, horrified. FREDDY AND GRETA Freddy teasingly scoops his clawed
finger into Greta's torso. FREDDY He laughs. Then gives her a shove. The
high chair tilts MARK screams in frustration and rage. MARK CLOSE ON MARK'S SNEAKERS as they step back OUT OF SHOT. Greta,
now a tiny porcelain MARK stares down at the shattered fragments
of tiny Greta. BLACK AND WHITE FREDDY leaps off the scaffolding to Mark, below. ON MARK'S BACK shaking with anger and rage. Freddy
drops down into the Suddenly, Mark whirls around, and as
he does he is no longer THE PHANTOM PROWLER (IN COLOR) MARK (cont'd) He glares menacingly at Freddy as he
raises two FUTURISTIC BLACK AND WHITE FREDDY eyes open in wide surprise. Wads of
CONFETTI fly out of the ANGLE ON PHANTOM PROWLER Gun smoking, he advances on Black and
White Freddy who lies BLACK AND WHITE FREDDY leaps to his feet! He is now
transformed into SUPER FREDDY, FREDDY THE PHANTOM PROWLER quickly raises his gun again. FIRES! FREDDY (cont'd) laughs as bullets bounce off him. FREDDY (cont'd) Then he whips his clawed hand up, swiping out toward CAMERA! CLOSE ON MARK'S BACK as Freddy's claws RIP and TEAR through
it. The tears wide PULL BACK to reveal the now PAPER
Mark. As Freddy continues CLOSE SHOT - FREDDY'S CLAWS CUTTING PAPER MOVE THROUGH A SERIES OF SHOTS of Black and White Freddy cutting Mark
to shreds. His mouth FREDDY (cont'd) FLUTTERING PIECES OF PAPER fill the air. They float down. FOLLOW
THEM as they move CLOSE ON COMIC BOOK the pieces of paper reassemble,
filling the empty frames of PULL BACK from the comic and we see
Mark lying on the floor CAMERA CONTINUES TO PULL BACK and we
see the rest of his room In the BACKGROUND, Alice lies on the
corridor. We see the back of ALICE (cont'd) Alice sees herself on the bed in
Mark's room. Alice on the INT. CAMPUS SWIMMING POOL - NIGHT Yvonne's eyes snap OPEN as she comes
awake with a start. She EXT. GREY'S CONSTRUCTION - NIGHT Police cars are parked out in front,
their twirling lights ALICE AND HER FATHER emerge from the big commercial door.
He has his arm around COP Alice's red-rimmed eyes flash with
momentary anger. She ALICE COP Alice just shakes her head, knowing he wouldn't understand. COP (cont'd) The cop turns away. Alice's father
nods, starts leading her ANGLE ON STREET as Yvonne's car rapidly pulls to the curb. ALICE sees her. Shrugs free of her father's
arm and runs toward ALICE ALICE AND YVONNE ALICE (cont'd) YVONNE ALICE Alice leads Yvonne back to her car. They start to climb in. INT. YVONNE'S CAR Yvonne jumps behind the wheel. Alice
gets into the passenger YVONNE ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE AND HER FATHER - AT THE CAR DOOR ALICE ALICE'S DAD ALICE ALICE'S DAD Alice reluctantly nods. Turns to Yvonne. ALICE Alice's father pulls her from Yvonne's
car. HOLD ON Yvonne a INT. ALICE'S HOUSE - NIGHT Alice and her father ENTER. She's
frustrated and angry. He ALICE'S DAD Alice thinks. Then nods, suddenly giving in. ALICE Her father is taken aback. He grins. ALICE'S DAD Alice kisses him on the cheek, then heads for the stairs. EXT. REAR ASYLUM - PRE-DAWN EXTREME WIDE SHOT with the STEPS in FOREGROUND.
HEADLIGHTS sweep over them EXT. REAR ASYLUM - PRE-DAWN CLOSE ON GARGOYLE its face smashed and eroded by years
of neglect and ON THE ASYLUM DOORS boarded up. Yvonne steps INTO SHOT,
pausing before them. THE TOWER - LOW ANGLE rising high into the first rays of
dawn. The paling sky is YVONNE stares at it, realizing something. She
turns back to the INT. REAL ASYLUM CORRIDOR - PRE-DAWN Early morning light flows in through
shining her flashlight INT. ASYLUM CORRIDOR - REVERSE ANGLE The dream version of the corridor.
Alice walks PAST CAMERA ALICE CLOSER ON ALICE she wears a look of grim determination as she taunts Freddy. ALICE (cont'd) ANOTHER CORRIDOR Alice comes around the corner,
stalking INTO SHOT. She looks ALICE (cont'd) Alice halts. Glares around the walls and doors. ALICE (cont'd) Nothing. Alice starts up the stairs
that lead to the brick ALICE (cont'd) TOP OF THE STAIRS Alice stands before the wall. Lays
both her hands against ALICE (cont'd) INT. REAL ASYLUM CORRIDOR - PRE-DAWN Yvonne stands at the top of the stairs
echoes eerily, as though FREDDY - FLASH CUTS charging toward her down the corridor.
Flashes of LIGHT ALICE rushes down the stairs, and runs
toward the next corridor in ANGLE ON ALICE she charges toward the open metal door
to the room of ONE ALICE FREDDY races around the same corner. Alice is
no longer there. REVERSE ANGLE CAMERA rushes towards Freddy's
backside. We hear the SOUND ALICE screams as she charges toward Freddy
with the black, nasty FREDDY SCREAMS as he's impaled on SPIKES
protruding from the front ANGLE ON ALICE AND FREDDY Alice charges with the stroller toward
CAMERA like a AT THE DOOR TO THE MANIACS Alice gives the stroller a MIGHT SHOVE! FREDDY AND STROLLER fly through the open doorway. Bounce
against the rial at the OVER ALICE'S SHOULDER as Freddy FLIES down the stairs,
separating from the FREDDY tumbles TOWARD CAMERA, screaming! BOTTOM OF STAIRS Freddy looks around in horror as his
fathers surround him and ALICE gazes down in victory. ALICE (cont'd) ON FREDDY AND THE MANIACS They tear him apart. An arm flies
here. A leg there. As ALICE closes her eyes, relieved, but not
really wanting to see Suddenly, one of the striped spiders
drops onto Alice's coat JACOB (O.S.) Alice turns and looks back through the doorway to see THE ASYLUM CORRIDOR - THE ESCHER MAZE Now an Escheresque, expressionistic
landscape. A puzzle JACOB AND FREDDY stand in a far doorway before a flight
of stairs. Freddy has FREDDY ALICE dread rising inside her, leaves the
asylum and steps into THE BOILER PENDULUM swings across CAMERA, WIPING FRAME to CLOSE ON FREDDY AND JACOB He takes Jacob's hand. Laughs, savoring the irony. FREDDY (cont'd) INT. REAL ASYLUM CORRIDOR Yvonne swings again with the pick,
knocking another brick INT. ESCHER MAZE CLOSE ON ALICE as she steps through the door and
moves into the maze. JACOB ALICE FREDDY Freddy makes a threatening, teasing motion. FREDDY (cont'd) ALICE THE BOILER PENDULUM arcs across FRAME. CLOSE ON FREDDY AND JACOB - LOW ANGLE Jacob looks up at him. Hesitates. Then
RUNS DOWN THE STAIRS WIDE ANGLE ON ESCHER MAZE Alice is a small figure near her door
in the BACKGROUND. CLOSE ON JACOB running toward CAMERA. Suddenly,
Freddy pops INTO FRAME, ANOTHER ANGLE ON JACOB Terrified. Running toward us for all
he's worth! CAMERA SIDE ANGLE ON JACOB (CRAVE-INN) He's almost to his mother when...he
hears an OFF SCREEN voice VOICE (O.S.) JACOB TURNS WIDER ANGLE Back of Alice's head in FOREGROUND
watching as Jacob turns CLOSE ON ALICE (ESCHER MAZE) Her eyes open wide. The man she loves,
the man she thought ALICE CLOSE ON DAN (CRAVE-INN) wearing a warm, reassuring smile as he moves toward CAMERA. DAN ANGLE THROUGH GLASS FLOOR (CRAVE-INN) looking up as Dan WALKS ACROSS THE
LENS toward Jacob, his CLOSE ON JACOB Hesitating. Unsure. Dan ENTERS FRAME.
His hand moving CLOSE ON ALICE She fights back confusion and realizes ALICE TIGHT ON DAN'S OUTSTRETCHED HAND suddenly BONE LIKE CLAWS emerge from DAN's FINGERTIPS! JACOB turns and runs! FREDDY FREDDY/DAN snarls, enraged and charges after Jacob. INT. ESCHER MAZE Jacob runs for Alice, who picks him up
in her arms as he INT. ASYLUM BASEMENT Alice finds herself at the end of the
staircase which she has ALICE'S POV as she puts Jacob down and turns to
face Freddy. But he's ON JACOB his brow furrowed in thought. ALICE JACOB ALICE looks at him in amazement. ALICE JACOB ALICE a look of horrified realization crosses her face. ALICE JACOB ALICE stares at Jacob thoughtfully. A look
of determination dawns ALICE INT. ASYLUM BASEMENT Suddenly, Alice gets a new look of
horror in her eyes as her FREDDY Alice stares at him in disgust and
terror. Grabs his head ALICE The struggle begins. Freddy shoots an
arm out from behind Freddy's leg pushes its way out
through her calf. His other INT. REAL ASYLUM CORRIDOR CLOSE ON INSIDE OF DOOR as a brick tumbles loose and falls
TOWARD CAMERA. Yvonne's INT. ASYLUM BASEMENT Alice drops to her knees, falling
through frame until her ALICE ANGLE ON ALICE bathed in a stream of light from the
shattered church window INT. REAL ASYLUM - STAIRS Yvonne furiously picks and pries away
at the bricks, trying INT. ASYLUM BASEMENT Alice and Freddy locked in combat. INT. REAL ASYLUM - STAIRS Yvonne throws herself at the boards of
the door. They split SISTER AMANDA kneeling on the dust covered floor, her back to Yvonne. YVONNE gets to her feet and cautiously approaches. ON AMANDA - FROM BEHIND as Yvonne warily steps INTO SHOT, her
hand slowly stretching YVONNE AND AMANDA - SIDE ANGLE Amanda begins turning. Cut to WIDE
SHOT outside Amanda's INT. ASYLUM BASEMENT ON JACOB crying as he watches Alice, who is
obviously losing the fight AMANDA (O.S.) Jacob looks up and around, puzzled.
Amanda is nowhere to be AMANDA (O.S. cont'd) With a snarl of anger, as if
dismissing the thought, Jacob JACOB Freddy looks at Jacob. He sees a
different boy, now. A CLOSE-UP - JACOB his face begins to change. Subtly at
first, then not as he JACOB (cont'd) Freddy at first looks suspicious, then
smiles and extricates Freddy approaches Jacob who smiles
evilly. Suddenly Freddy Jacob turns and sees Amanda, far
above, silhouetted in the AMANDA Jacob turns back and looks at Freddy. JACOB As he speaks, his mouth grows larger,
impossibly large. A Finally with a roar, the decrepit
souls of DAN, GRETA and ON JACOB as the last of the souls leave him,
his face returns to ON FREDDY howling in anguish as he is dragged back. CLOSE UP Freddy's feet being dragged. CLOSE UP Freddy's back bulging as the souls drag him along. CLOSE UP Freddy's sleeves as the hands begin to disappear inwards. AMANDA Suddenly, with a sickening wrench, the
Freddy fetus is ripped CLOSE UP Freddy's clothes falling to the floor in a heap. CLOSE UP The Freddy Fetus emerging from a
steaming pile of ectoplasm, ON ALICE As she sees the new BABY JACOB
emerging from his pile of ON AMANDA who seizes the Freddy Fetus and holds it to her. AMANDA (cont'd) INTERCUT as the two mothers simultaneously
merge with their off- Amanda shudders in silent agony as she
accepts her son back As Alice receives Jacob, an optical
effect surrounds them as Alice looks across at Amanda and
starts towards her, AMANDA (cont'd) ON AMANDA Sadly she turns to leave. We think the
fight is over, when A muffled howl of anguish echoes
around as she steps through A SERIES OF DOORS starting with the one in front of
Amanda, slam shut, one We hear the echo of that final SLAM, then SILENCE. ALICE stands there, staring at the last
door. The SOUNDS OF A EXT. PARK - DAY Bucolic. Sunny. Serene. A picnic table
rests beneath the A BABY'S ARM moves into EXTREME
FOREGROUND and stops. Two YVONNE ALICE CAMERA TRACKS as they move to the
picnic table. Alice gently YVONNE ALICE Jacob closes his eyes, safely
ensconced in his mother's arms, ALICE (cont'd) SLOWLY DOLLY BACK - SLOW MOTION as a JUMP ROPE held by someone OFF
SCREEN arcs over the top Then the back of a CHILD'S HEAD, very
white and soft focused, FADE OUT. |